“With the Help of WhitnessThis, Let the World Witness You”

Welcome! I’m Whitney Tucker, the creative force behind WhitnessThis. Born in Thibodaux, raised in Baton Rouge, and now thriving in the internationally renowned city of New Orleans, Louisiana. With over 10 years of professional photography experience and more than 20 years as “the guy with the camera,” I’m ready to capture any moment you need.

Whether it’s the precious moments with grandma at your beautifully crafted wedding day or the grand opening of your amazing new business, I’m here to bring your vision to life.

First and foremost, I’m a people person. Shooting with me feels like hanging out with a friend. Comfort is key when you have a massive camera in your face, and I’ve seen too many photographers who haven’t mastered the art of being truly social.

Need help building your brand? I’m your guy. Looking to land that new acting gig with an outstanding headshot? That’s me. I’ve shot more live concerts than I can count, so if you need great band shots, I’m your photographer!

Let’s create something amazing together!

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